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Will there be an explanation for all the strange things that are happening around Cody? Is there something supernatural at work? And will there be an Echo-style mass hysteria that will erupt?

I know you won't be able to say much because of spoilers, but are there any hints you can give me?

 I have so many questions since the supposed sleepwalking Cody is doing and his vision of the coin felt like more than a coincidence since he's having too many things happening to him for it to be natural. 


Awesome :)

It hits nice hahaha good for a change a VN that takes a more natural approach for romance, instead of jumping to sex LOL

And that mystery touch is very interesting

Waiting for more!


Oh, I have to be one of the only guys here that knows what a vcr or vhs tapes are, or even who lived in the 80s!!! Jesus I'm fuckin old as dirt when I know all the shit they're referencing in a VN set in the mid 80s. I want to know what kind of truck Aldric drives, better be a BullNose Ford. 


Aldric drives a 1970 Ford F-100 Ranger dual tone paint job.


And speaking of car...I wonder what kind of wood-panel wagon station that Vinny drives ?


Vincent drives a 1978 Jeep Wagoneer

A proper suv, not true station wagon though. An AMC Eagle awd wagon couldve worked too

Nice!!! Better be an inline6 with the bull low 4spd, no self respecting outdoorsman drives an automatic. Guess being set in the early 80s i can't expect him to drive an 83 F150 like mine, lol. 

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This novel is in my top 3 of all time and it's not even finished yet. Maybe it's because all the locations remind me of Canada. I hope they release the next chapter soon, I have to know what happens now that Cody is trying to live his own truth. Hope he confesses his attraction to Aldric (great name btw!!) and what's up with the ghosts of the old town, and which one of them didn't admit their truth before passing, causing them to whistle that longing tune. 

just downloaded it last night, started reading today... The vibes are so good 😭 the MC is really relatable for me, which is a first in a long while with visual novels. his whole internal struggle like omg. Aldric is.. such a green flag. i loved him immediately on sight haha.

What's scaring me is the fact that i might run out of chapters by reading too fast, because let's be real, that'll definitely happen for sure.. I'm so excited to continue tho!

I loved the storyline.and the Excursion soo good,that part where that fox God rest he's soul.reminds me what happend to Frank God rest he's soul,but he wasnt shot he just got clapped by natural disasters while doing he's business 




Really?,you think its like making a counterfeits with a printer and you cant survive?.bro you know how this works,they do the work and we wait EZ


It's a wonderful experience: the music, the characters and the story are all top-notch.  Can't wait to read more! ♥


I don't know why i keep torturing myself playing these beautifully written visual novels with romance that even the heartless would yearn for


I genuinely can't wait for more of this.

Side-note: mushrooms are one of my special interests, and the scene with the bear's head tooth actually made me jump with joy. I was so happy. And for it to be a mushroom that's known to taste like crab: a staple food of where the main character grew up??? Amazing. Not so sure them eating it raw was a great idea, though... haha.


I literally started playing a few hours ago and miss Tobin so muchhh, like TAKE ME BACK I wanna go back to Tobin! (I say as they drag me into the padded marshmallow room)

Did anyone have trouble with loading your save? Mine will no longer load. I don’t mind restarting but I would like to know how to prevent this from happening if it’s something on my end.


This is a known issue with RenPy that we're working on a fix for. We plan to implement a chapter select in build 5 to hopefully make this issue less of a pain.

Noted & thanks for the response. For now I’ll just replay it, I really enjoy the story! Great job everyone! ❤️


Loving this VN so far! The story is engaging, the art is uniquely stylized, and the romance is moving at a beautiful pace. Can't wait to see more!


i loveeeeee this vn so much im so happy it updated really good work i cant wait for more


Hi! Checking out the gallery i notice that some cgs have some variations. I replayed the game but none of them appear, for example; the cinema miss 2 and the whatch house too. Is this a bug or are they no implement yet? 


If you have SFW mode turned on some CGs are skipped over in the code, preventing them from unlocking in the gallery.

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Nope. I don't have SFW mode turned on. Here is a better example of what I mea. Already replayed the game if I missed something and looks like dont. Sorry if I bother too much. I'm just curious xD


Ooooooo I understand what you mean now. Yes it is a little misleading because of how the gallery is programmed. The 3 empty spots (and 2 for the cinema) are just blank because there's no additional art for those blank 'frames'.


Aaah! Ok ok, I thought that I miss something. XD thank you anyway =D


Hi, just downloaded the update today and moved my save files over, but whenever I try to load into those saves an error pops up saying "an exception has occured" aswell as something about not being able to find a place to stop rolling back to.

Hey there, some instances of save issues do pop up between builds that we are working on resolving with a Chapter Select. You should not need to move the save folder, only extract the new build as a new folder. If it still gives you an issue the quick fix right now is to turn on "Skip Unseen Text" in the preferences menu, then in game you can press your tab key or the 'skip' button when starting a new file, it will speed through stopping at each choice option for you to choose.

Stop at the end of the crop top scene and you'll be at chapter 4. Apologies for the inconvenience


"Though I wouldn't mind being the big stud in you. " HAHAHAAHHA

my game wont open, it doesnt even give me an error or anything, it just wont open


Howdy what platform are you on? And have you tried downloading it again (If desktop have you tried extracting it as a brand new folder?)

yes, I did, but it wouldn't even load, but after i intalled the itch app and installed the game from there, it worked, not only that, i could open the game from the download files itself, it was wierd. But yeah, thanks for the reply tho and i appriciate it  👌

(2 edits)

Just downloaded the update, migrating my saves to the new version and loading it gives me an error. Do I have to replay the whole thing? :(


Eh sorry, I just need to load the old enough saves


Yea it's a weird quirk of RenPy. We are working on a Chapter select feature that should be implemented in build 5 to get around this save issue.

It was such a sweet and heartwarming chapter ;-; I just can’t get enough of them, even tho the wait is so long, it just is worth every time and some more Thanks guys ^^


I'm experiencing a bug. A ways into the theater scene, I get an error, and not an ignorable one either. This happens regardless of which option I choose earlier in the scene.

(1 edit)

I noticed this bug too, love it so far though!

Agreed! Besides this bug, I really like the update. Hopefully it gets fixed soon!


I've uploaded the hotfix, apologies for the issue.


I will have this fix up in just a couple minutes

i really like the new update, but for some reason, i cant roll back, like at all


Hey there, this is a rare bug that we are aware of but still trying to figure out a fix. I'm glad you're enjoying the new update!

tyy, also the only other bug i noticed is at the theater scene, both options result in an error i cant continue from


I'm creating a fix for that right now, apologies.


The fix for this is now live, apologie

dont apologize, it's a mistake, and writing VNs is prob very hard, a few mistakes arent too uncommon, (also happy new year!)

Aldric reminds me of an old acquaintance.Do you know who he is?He comes from another visual novel.Perhaps you can guess who I'm talking about.hahahaha~

this is actually the best written vn ive seen


This visual novel is very good, I like the characters.MC I like that even though he has anxiety inside, he is ready to do everything to move forward. This novel makes my heart beat fast. I feel goosebumps all over my body, which I have never had before. This novel is ranked in the top four novels in my heart. I love it. 

I feel the same way. I relate to the MC a lot, ngl I'm also jealous of him for having such good friends.

could have more choices. But I NEED MORE NOOOOOOOW

This won't change my plan to play the game but I'm curious. Is this game linear or are there choices?


There are choices that will lead to different scenes, dialogue variations and such. But there is one main path, that all choices are attached to.


WOW!!! This was so good!!!! AHHHH when will there be more???

Only started this novel at the start of this week and now have already gotten to a tbc screen, cant say I'm not upset that that's all there is so far but I wo happy to finally be apart of this journey! 

8/10 game, really good stuff can't wait for more!

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Split Peak has been 4 months since the last update, I miss Aldric a lot, when Will the next chapter be? 


i dont think anytime soon, his husband died last month so i think it will be some time


Really?? Wow this is so sad 😢


The Patreon Early Access release will be December 20th. With public around 2 weeks after. I apologize for the long wait on this chapter.


This is such an insanely good visual novel, I swear, everything Hap's touches is blessed. Quality work, I was completely enthralled the entire way through.


SPLIT PEAK! Create a route for Devon and my life is yours. 🥺


The scene in front of the mirror at the end of build 3 make me cry. it's so perfect in every way. I just wanted to share how much I love it.

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I can't possibly express how much I love y'alls work. The characters, the art, THE MUSIC

Apparently I wasn't the only one that cried during Cody's coming out scene. Seriously, that part made my heart explode. Aldric is everything I ever wanted in a friend and then some.

Waiting with baited breath for the next update.


Squealing and barking and growling and crying and-

Just started yesterday and I love the whole vibe of this so much already omg


This may sound corny, but this game actually made me cry. It's so beautiful, from the scenery, to the dialogues, to the way the characters are shown and how much personality they have, etc. Absolutely adore this game and can not wait for more updates. The way Cody talks about his inability to proudly come out, or even say it out loud for that matter, resonated hardly with me, someone who comes from a homophobic country. Shit's difficult, loved how it was seen and written. It feels like it healed something inside of me and the way Aldric comforted Cody just melted my heart. Kudos to the devs and writers 

hi is there any NSFW yet?

Same question :3

ive read it theres no nsfw yet

(1 edit)

Not yet but there are some suggestive dialogues or scenes

Is Aldrich the only love interest or are there more. I just started playing, so I was just curious.


Aldric is the only love interest, but options for other encounters will present themselves eventually based on your choices.


Hi. How do I read the side story? There's nothing in the menu.

(+1)  The side story is its own VN build. So just download, extract, and run this, and you'll be good to go. We did this so we could ensure that save files didn't get confusing between the main story and side stories.

Ok, Thanks!

this game gives me "Life is Strange" vibes and I love it

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